A fearless YELLOW WARRIOR-moment is -
knowing exactly which questions to ask without playing arrogant games.
the potential
yellow warrior
- self-forgiveness
- harmonize intuition and intellect
- absent trust in your inner wisdom
8 – harmonize!
EIGHT brings harmony and resonance. This dynamic expresses the highest power of realization the wave has to offer. Full speed ahead! No ideal time for vacation.

A deep BLUE NIGHT-moment is -
a free diver ascending from the abyss back to the surface being a second away from the first breath.
blue night
- there is more than enough for everybody
- open yourself to your inner richness
- accept the offering

An enlightening YELLOW SUN-moment is -
a penguin applauding when you get up in the morning to celebrate your achievements!
yellow sun
- christ consciousness
- to stand in contact with the outer world
- love the whole creation

A balancing WHITE WORLDBRIDGER-moment is -
to deeply enjoy that finally everything is out of control.
white worldbridger
- compulsive checking
- fear of death
- battle and resistance

A cleansing RED MOON-moment is -
to let out what you have held back a long time without necessarily offending others.
red moon
all day-energies respond
13 days long to its command
I came in like a wrecking ball... persistent blockades will find their master (that's you) with this wave and have hardly any chance anymore. But it can become to a heavy battle. With RED MOON and the enormous force of gravity of the "universal water", wave 17 brings all that what is scattered in your thoughts and that is blocked in your life to flow again. This movement carries the immersion into the memory of what you are and for what you are here for – through yourself, and not in dependency of any outer Bling-Bling, doctrines or Gurus. Therefore, this wave is warmly suggested as healing against self-rejection and negative self-criticism. Increasing realization further helps to overcome ego-problems. This wave transports your sense of responsibility, even if you rely too much on your instinct and forget to put on your brain. Expand into this potential and discover you're over average mystic gauge that is concealed behind many of your irrational decisions. Generally speaking these days in the Flow-Universe are ideal for being used to clarify your actions. Finally RED MOON invites you to be surrounded with people who support you in that what you really are. As conscious flow-rider with this wave you will get rid of those last obstacles that stand in your way for your long-term project. The goal is within your grasp.
Unconscious Mud-Wrestlers will possibly experience an increase in their already existing addictive behavior as a helpless drifting away in the waters of forgetfulness. That was dope, man...
A strong influence of doctrines of mass consciousness can be recognized. In the shade of this wave eccentricity is at home. The need of acknowledgement from the outside will possibly emerge when deep lying inferiority complex are not totally solved. How boring! Open up for knowingness and reboot your memory!
Your new birth year has following aims:
- to unravel all sorts of blockades
- through the strength of your inner voice
- challenged to leave your helping syndrome behind.
- Take care: to forgive your self can bring surprising awareness!
- In these 365 days you experience your highest strength of realization and maximum support for your plans. You now have thought enough, out balanced, felt and noticed. Expect from now on many resonances from the outer world as well as ultimate possibilities. If you are clear with yourself, all activities will have a penetrating power. After refilling last year it says now "full speed ahead". No ideal time for vacation.