An enlightening YELLOW SUN-moment is -
a penguin applauding when you get up in the morning to celebrate your achievements!

this day-energy combines
the potential

yellow sun

focus on unconditional love
other possible topics:
  • to stand in contact with the outer world
  • ascension
but also:
  • unrealistic expectations
with the dynamic

7 – fuse!

SEVEN brings mystic power and unity. Here the neutral middle of THIRTEEN enables you to balance different possibilities. Decide aware and intuitive for the adequate solution from the offers you have, and don't choose just any.

A transforming BLUE STORM-moment is -
the silent mist on the warm forest soil after a violent cloud-burst.

blue storm

backs you up!
this potential is your cuddly teddy bear and will always understand you
  • collapse as breakthrough
  • die-and-become-principle
  • change

An aware YELLOW HUMAN-moment is -
to follow the matter close to your heart against all gossip and rumors.

yellow human

gives you
this potential is your light in the dark and leads you out of tricky situations
  • mastership
  • souveranity
  • perceive free will

A warm-hearted WHITE DOG-moment is -
to discover that feelings are the decisive force in your life.

white dog

challenges you!
this potential is your kryptonite, but opposites only attract to create a new balance
  • drama-queen
  • envy
  • disloyalty

An enchanting WHITE WIZARD-moment is -
leaving the magic wand in your pocket so that others can make their own experiences.

white wizard

is the current wave –
all day-energies respond
13 days long to its command

If there's something wrong in the neighborhood – who your're gonna call? White! Wizard!... the 2nd wave reinforces with the potential of WHITE WIZARD all that inspires you to discover deeper lying layers of your consciousness that lie beyond rationalism, and to penetrate the haze of different realities. In the Flow-Universe this potential brings for instance subjects like "timelessness" into your consciousness and invites you to enhance our receptiveness for forces that are not bound to time and space. If you started a project in the last wave, now withdraw your active work on it a bit, so that you may be supported in a "magical" way. These days transport so called "coincidents" that are simply to be "perceived". A further central subject is the realization of your own powers in deep connection with yourself and your knowledge of your heart. Power is here rather a passive than active and aggressive approach. WHITE WIZARD supports you to experience your life with your heart and thus to receive a magical lightness that may as well enchant your surroundings. In this state of transparency you allow the power to simply flow through you instead of meaning you are producing it. Be a conscious flow-rider and overcome complex and entangled relationships that possibly have for longer done you no good. Only this way you will reach real integrity.
Unconscious Mud-Wrestlers possibly experience rising compulsive checking and top-heaviness. Signs of a spiritual world are being ignored and thus they miss the chance to get the flow. In the shade of this wave a stronger need of approval and acknowledgement from the outside may emerge. A rising insensibility then often takes a sarcastic and sneering, maybe even aggressive, form: Therefore: let the magic proceed – and don't constantly ask: "how was I?"

„So what? I’m still a rock star!“ VERSUS „Hello, we would like to talk about God with you“
Your new birth year has following aims:
  • to show you the next dimension of love
  • through the strength of holistic perception
  • challenged to create less dramas.
  • Take care: to give one’s best attention can bring surprising awareness!
  • In these 365 days you live through your highest energetic time, which is less action-driven than sensitive. The year has meditative qualities, therefore, focus your inner self, and see where you have to re-adjust in case you didn't do your homework properly. You refill and get prepared for the next three years.

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