An endorphine-boosting RED SERPENT-moment is -
dancing for no particular reason and sensing all 206 bones of your body afterwards.
the potential
red serpent
- outlived sexuality
- live instead of survive
- body rebellion
1 – receive!
ONE brings unity and new beginning. This dynamic carries the power of origin in itself and defines: what is my aim?
An endorphine-boosting RED SERPENT-moment is -
dancing for no particular reason and sensing all 206 bones of your body afterwards.
in the actual wave
red serpent
As of now life force as a personalized form of RED SERPENT will declare the rhythm in the Flow-Universe. After you experienced the oppositions in your life in the last 13 days, you can now balance them in this time slot. Realism is the right tool here. Check if your perceptions are still compatible to reality. If not sit in peace, give yourself a peeling, and pull off the skin that has become too small. This should be easy these days. Further your body's wisdom is focused now: it knows exactly, what does you well, if you need an extra Yoga lesson or a round of kick boxing. This time slot is a training camp for gut decision - so, if life plays the ball to you, be there, take it and pocket it!
In the shade of this wave take care of overestimation or total rejection of physicalness. Rejection often experiences strong fear of intimacy
Your new birth year has following aims:
- to bring more 'joie de vivre' in your life
- through the strength of passion
- challenged to be less arrogant.
- Take care: lived out sexuality surprising awareness can hide!
- For the coming 365 days different subjects are offered. This can feel diffuse at the beginning but will clarify over the time. Open your eyes and put out your tentacles! Some might find his/her (new) determination, because in this year you are beginning a new wave of growth that will last for 13 years.
red serpent 1
Who are you?
in the FLOW-Universe from today.
Go on a 260-day-long journey
to a more mindful and conscious life.
you carry a personal
birth signature
consisting out of
three parts:
— potential
— dynamic
— birth wave
just type in your first name
and birthdate:
welcome to the
Here we know you
born in the wave of
- what a
good choice!
your potential is
the main component
of your birth signature
and pictures your
central superpower –
either you already fully
embody it or you are
still hiding.
But it’s a fact, that it
is yours.
(sorry, that nobody
told you so far…)
the second component
of your birth signature
is your dynamic.
It gives your potential
a twist and influences
it into a certain
direction, similar to
the fact that
people differ in their
last but not least you
are connected to your
individual birth-wave.
This third component
gives information
about the central
issue in your life,
which you would like to achieve.
So, that is who you are
in the FLOW-Universe.
The knowledge about this energetic bonds can improve your social life profoundly.
This is the partner energy connecting Be more aware of this potential and it's dynamic. Try to approach the people around you from a totally new point of view and feel the difference.