A cleansing RED MOON-moment is -
to let out what you have held back a long time without necessarily offending others.

this day-energy combines
the potential

red moon

focus on loosening blockades
other possible topics:
  • break-through
  • beacon for others
but also:
  • to hide one’s light
with the dynamic

10 – make visible!

TEN brings manifestation and intention. The achievement of your wave reaches its target line. This is the moment of realization.

An enlightening YELLOW SUN-moment is -
a penguin applauding when you get up in the morning to celebrate your achievements!

the 10th day
in the actual wave

yellow sun

The wave of YELLOW SUN confronts us with our unrealistic expectations. Under its influence your love can become (even more) unconditional. Unconditional love to yourself plays a central role here; it is the fundament of your awareness. It is totally appropriate in these days to bask in that what you have reached. A little party never killed nobody! Pop the corks and celebrate your achievements! This potential further conveys all that, which makes your complex life in the Flow-Universe simpler – a wonderful remedy for widely spread top-heaviness, that leads to analyzing and evaluating things instead letting them just be. Mud-Wrestlers may get carried away under circumstances to inappropriate perfectionism or intolerance towards weaker people.

“did you ever flashy-thing me?” VERSUS “you were dreaming. Doug? Was it about Mars?“
Your new birth year has following aims:
  • to support you in all forms of unconditionality
  • through the strength of your true identity
  • challenged to be more tolerant towards the weaker.
  • Take care: behind great earnestness surprising awareness can hide!
  • In these 365 days your big subjects reach the target line and become clearly visible. The whole year is highly productive, is significant and can become to your point of manifestation. From top to bottom, inside and outside, all is in balance.
In the FLOW-universe all people are connected through unique partner energies.

The knowledge about this energetic bonds can improve your social life profoundly.
To learn more about this unique partner energy, simply type in the name of two persons and their birthdate:

please enter both names
show partner energy

This is the partner energy connecting
Be more aware of this potential and it's dynamic. Try to approach the people around you from a totally new point of view and feel the difference.

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